This concept is based on well known fairy tale, written by J. Carroll. The space in this shop is planned and structurized as a stage of a theatre, where stilized mountains and a tree silhouettes helps to create a three-dimensional perspective and to break an existing trade area into functional zones.

The motives of the World‘s forests is a marvellous decoration, allowing you to present toy houses, toy roller-coasters and other big toys in more attrative way, involving little customers into a story and little quiz.

In this way we avoided warehouse-type exposure, and „competition“ between bigger and smaller goods.

The rhythm, being repeated through all of the walls and shelves, sometimes dives through the trees or aproaches the shop center.

The rows of the long shelves are climbing to the ceiling and let toys „speak for themselves“, present their immense and various world. Also top rows of the shelves could be used as an additional storage space.

The spatial furniture –hangers and exposure table`s – are  decorated with heroes from your childhood. Such elements help to create a scene, literraly, to distinguish different goods one from another.

Decoration of cards could also be used as a mirror. In the depth of the „rabit hole“ there are fitting rooms and a pass to the warehouse.

Depth and dynamics for this store is provided by light shift in pastel colors – from bleached coffee to violet. These colors also trace functional boundaries of zones.

In this „theatre performance“ of soft colors and shilouettes toys become the most important characters.